Our Treatment Programs

*ATOS — Active Therapy of Original Statuses

*АТОС — Активная Терапия Особых Состояний

*АТОС — Активна Терапія Особливих Станів

Clinic ATOS — (Ukraine, Kiev) provides a complex therapy of patients, who have the following problems: drug abuse, alcoholism, gambling, smoking, food / interpersonal addiction, phobias (external circumstances addiction), chronic sleep disorders, depression, chronic fatigue and other functional disorders, which are connected with intervention of chemical and psychosocial factors.

Much prominence is given to border-line states of health, preventive care, recovering the body after intoxication, physical and mental overstrains.
We use the methods that proof its high-potency and modern innovative program.
Consultations and treatment are provided anonymously.

Our Units:

* Medical detoxification Unit – conservative prevention of drugand alcohol-dependent patients, eliminating hangover effect, deducing from hard drinking, helping with alcohol intoxication (alcohol overdose) and also another conditions, which need abstaining from addictive toxic substances from the body.

* Rehabilitation Unit – therapy in groups, individual sessions about chemical and interpersonal (psychosocial) addiction, family conflicts, depression, anxiety, phobias and other psychological problems.

* Wellness therapy Unit –recovery after the physical and psychological fatigue, chronic stress, overdose of alcohol or other intoxicants,sleep disorder,depression. Besides,supportive therapy after suffering from hepatitis, pancreatitis, poisonings and other crisis states.

Our patients are placed in a comfortable 1 -2 -3 local and VIP rooms.

Our team – it’s highly qualified professionals:doctors of the highest categories, well-experienced psychologists, who work with addictions. Ex-addicts as trainers (consultants), who had special training alsotake a part in programsof rehabilitation for drug addicts.

Scientific director of the Clinic — Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor Iury Pakin – the author of numerous publications and presentations which dedicated todifferent types of addictions (see: http://narcolog.com.ua/about/mass_media.

The Clinic provides a wide range of modern techniques and therapeutic measures.
It includes: including enterosorption, plasmapheresis, hemosorption, (intravenous laser irradiation of blood), (ultraviolet blood irradiation) and other therapeutic techniques to restore bodily functions. Moreover, using of blockers, psychotherapeutic correction of behavior (denial of drugs), alcohol and other factors depending on (in group or individually), the development of behavioral patterns, herbal medicine, oxygen therapy, correction and restoration of the patient’s bio-field, reflexology, massage, baths, exercise stress with computer analysis of the results of the reconstruction of functions and other traditional and non-traditional techniques.

The using of cutting-edge equipment biofeedback (the device «Nexus-10 Mark II» of the Mindmedia company, Holland) takes a particular place. In co-operation with the Institute of Cybernetics of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Department of Professor V. Pisarenko) was developed the algorithms and techniques that are based on the mapping data and encephalographic, subsequent training with the biofeedback equipment that gives a possibility to effective recovery of emotional state in case of withdrawal from drugs, alcohol and other factors of addiction. Such a biofeedback technology provides a unique opportunity for self-regulation of different physiological and psychological reactions of the body, that are usually not controlled by consciousness.

Due to these developments we take into account the experience of biocybernetics and Computational Mathematics that was gained at the Institute of Cybernetics of NAS of Ukraine and the results of modern methods that used in the Clinic «ATOS» for the treatment of drug addiction, alcoholism and other addictions.

Different methods of treatment in our Clinic.
Drug addiction (narcotic dependence) treatment.
The aim of treatment is not only the elimination of the physical abstinence («withdrawal») and elimination the drugs from the body, but also overcoming the craving for drugs – the elimination of mental (psychological) addiction. To sum it up, such a method of treatment gives a real possibility to get a positive result! Using the principle, which was mentionedhas allowed thousands of people to kick the habit and return to normal life.
In our center experts will help to choose the most appropriate option of treatment in order to patient, which is based on the disease, personal, family, financial, organizational and other possibilities or desires of the patient and his relatives.
For more details, see: https://atos.kiev.ua/service/narkomaniya/

Alcohol abuse and dependence treatment.
Here we provide the following procedures: elimination of drinking-bout, cupping abstinence syndrome (hangover), carrying out radical treatment using coding methods (psychotherapeutic neuroinduction), hypnosis (hypnotherapy), «Torpedo» (intravenous drug that causes aversion to alcohol). Using the method of «suturing»,psychotherapeutic correction (sessions with a psychologist by individual programs), and also using the session in group by Programme: «12 steps «(Minnesota model).
For more details, see: https://atos.kiev.ua/service/alkogolizm/

Compulsive game addiction treatment.
In the process of game addiction treatmentis used psycho-correction techniques individually or in group sessions with a psychologist and also encoding method. In additional to this, we use cutting-edge equipment – biofeedback. According to this, itcan be recommend thetreatment in a hospital.
For more details, see: https://atos.kiev.ua/service/igromaniya/

Tobacco smoking treatment.
It is used psycho-correction method (individually or in group sessions with a psychologist). Our professionals use the encoding method and the method of laser auriculo-reflexotherapy. Also it is used biofeedback equipment. Such a complex therapy gives good and stable results even in resistant forms of addiction.
For more details, see: https://atos.kiev.ua/metod/lechenie-tabakokureniya/

Drug addiction (medicinal dependence) treatment.
Drug (medicinal) addiction can develop during a long period of using medical preparations. At the same time the person begins to appear permanent habit, as a result an irresistible desire to repeat taking the drugs. This type of addiction consists of two main components: 1) emotional (mental) addiction and 2) physical addiction.
Drug addiction treatment involves a combination of compulsory medical methods and techniques of psychotherapy. Duration of treatment is from several weeks to several months, depending on the process of neglecting, personal characteristics of the patient and the social components. The program of treatment practically corresponds to the program of treatment at drug addiction (narcotic dependence), see: https://atos.kiev.ua/service/medikamentoznaya-zavisimost/

Treatment and help for common sleep disorders.
Clinic ATOS has accumulated considerable experience in solving this problem.
Three main stages of treatment:
1) by medical correcting with a selection of drug medicaments, excluding the using of hypnotics, or other psychoactive drugs that was previously used by the patient.
2) individual or group training sessions with a psychologist
3) training with the principles of «biofeedback» and curative hypnosis, see: https://atos.kiev.ua/service/narushenie-sna/

Treatment of overweight and food addiction.
To reduce the weight, firstly specialists study themechanism of overweight formation in patient to put on individual treatment plan, taking into account psychological, physiological and biochemical particularity of the organism.
Health-improving involves diet therapy, psychotherapy, acupuncture, oxygen therapy, and physical therapy.
Very often the overweight combined with different types of medicalconditions, which can also be adjusted during the course of complex health measures. For solving these assigned tasks highly specialized experts work in our Clinic and they are always ready to help.
For more details, see: https://atos.kiev.ua/service/narushenie-pishhevogo-povedeniya/

The points mentioned above–is only a small part of the treatment our Clinic provides. In additional of this, solving the problem of interpersonal relationships within the family and at work, the problem of «Fathers and Sons», chronic stresses, chronic fatigue syndrome and others. In some cases, these disturbances are really very serious, but our doctors successfully continue to deal with it helping people.

Our treatment results in a proof long-term remission (to absence of displays of illness) in 70 — 80 % cases.

Such high indexes are arrived at subject to condition, if a patient executes all our recommendations. And another important position — for maintenance of remission (prevention of relapse) we recommend annually to carry out prophylactic course of treatment during 7 — 10 days in our Wellness therapy Unit or in the Rehabilitation Unit of Our Clinic.

High efficiency of our treatment is substantial reason that to us arrive to treat patients from all regions of Ukraine, and also from other countries, namely, patients from: Italy, Germany, England, USA, Canada, Denmark, Norway, Russia, Kuwait got successful effective treatment in Our Clinic.

You may contact with our specialists:
tel. (+38050) 440-56-70 or
e-mail: narcolog2000@bigmir.net, copy to: sanaris@i.ua

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